What changes can I expect after upgrading to Kilimall APP 5.0 and above?
2024-02-20 05:52:24
- For orders placed after updating the APP:
1.Please continue to track your order through the App->Account->My Orders> To be shipped or Shipped> Track My Order
2. Please continue to apply for after-sales through the App->Account->My Orders> Return/refund> Apply
-For orders placed before updating the APP:
1.Please track your past orders in App Account> Click on Order Query (old version)>Orders instead of My orders or use the track link>> https://m.kilimall.co.ke/orderquery
2.Please check after-sale or apppy after-sale in App Account> Click on Order Query (old version)>Return/Refund instead of My orders
A. More econimic on the shipping fee. The new UI design, new iOS App release, easy product search( Can even search with product code) etc.
A. Currently function like: Ask friend to pay, Invite friend and earn, Groupbuy, Kilimall Coin redemption, Old App chat history, Shopping vouchers from old version App, Modify product comment. We will work closely with Tech team to bring more features for fun shopping.
A. We tried our best to make sure our customer don't find challenge for using the new version, however page like order details are slight different as showing from below.
A. Check from Google play if there is pending update/ Check from Kilimall App->Account-Settings if it is showing above 5.0. Also the order number usually starts with digital 4XX.