Seller Policy and Guidelines

Refund and Return Timelines

2024-09-18 12:03:40

How long will I receive a refund?

We will complete the refund within 1-3 working days when the quality check/ refund approved.

-Refund only :  total 1-5 days 

-Return & Refund: total 7-10 days from return received

-Exchange: total  7-15 days from return received

-Repair: it depends on service center repair time, total 30- 50 days from return received (we suggest you confirm with service center)

The specific refund methods are as follows:  

CountryPayment methodRefund ChannelRefund time
KenyaDirect M-PESA Mpesa/
Wallet (if Mpesa account imcompleted or unvalid)
within 24 hours
Account Blance (Withdraw takes  another1- 3 days)Account Balancewithin 24 hours
iPay(Bank card, mobile money, airtel)iPay3-5 days
Pastack(Bank card)Pastack7-12 working days

aftersale return progress